Friday, 1 June 2007

'I live on Vitamin C and Cowboy Boots'

I took 2moro off work, so was free to go out on the razz for 80's nite tonight. I drove round to S's place and noticed something odd about his house. Can you see?
only his window has double glazing. Maybe S forced his family to use their savings to only improve his window? he probably can't be happy for his own family
this guy may have been playing the 'stack' drinking game...

so we got to jobber's place in fallowfield and played pro eves on 'fix'. We were pretty terrible but I was more delighted that I had my Vitamin C at his flat. S agreed that 'I live on Vitamin C and cowboy boots'
after 10pm we tightened up and got the bus. This is a kind of picture dc's blog has
we went straight to subspace and played 'stack'

there were some rare people in there tonite...middle aged women...
old Iraqi men on the sleaze...(that is the best picture you are gonna get from me)
and girls wearing fast food hats

it was so hot downstairs that we went up for a bit of fresh air. Luckily there was a hose to hand if we got too hot up here as well
the Worlds Worst Person (WWP) went gay on us and rang his misguided girlfriend
Robert Alan Jones was upset by Moz taking over his niche with his withered hand
he asked me to put the genuine article on the blog
much 'disgust' photos were taken
too many to put on the blog really
I couldn't be happy for proceedings though. Truth be told, I can't pull such a dreadful expression
what can you say about those eyes? I hope his girlfriend doesn't think they are his best features

the girl on the left looks like Carmella from Neighbours
those shorts are a rival to my 80's jumper. I'm starting to think about sporting it one night
I pity the fool who takes me on on 'stack'

dancefloor carnage

flared carnage
preying on the weak...this guy was off balance, so one of his mates poured an entire bottle of vk on his head. That guy must be the 3rd worlds person. Or as the WWP would say- 'TWWP'

these three left for home, whilst me and jobber waited for Purple Rain to come on
we kept ourselves busy by lifting empty bottles into the dancefloor bin. Jobber has good technique

bottles...shot name it, jobber will drunkenly put it in the bin

We waited for ages then couldn't be arsed waiting any longer so we left

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