Yesterday Moz brought with him to jobbers a cut-out from some magazine that involved a baboon called 'Nick'. It seemed to sum up the WWP quite well. Click on it to read in full if you so desire

True to form (and to the previous blog title) I do live on Vitamin C and Cowboy Boots. Especially when I get about 6 hrs sleep after boozing. S said I should drink Vitamin C out of my cowboots but I couldn't be happy for him

seeing as it was a dreaded sunny day me and jobber went out to buy some RAM for his computer. Its the most logical thing to do on such a day

then after we installed it we met dc and S for some banter at the Orange Grove. dc had been working, unlike us bums

I queued up for about 20mins getting the drinks because the barmaid was awful (and I was distracted by Sky Sports News)

the weather didn't require this warning for the decking, unless it could become slippery because of all the sleazy men perving on the women out in the sun

like these guys...

It annoys me that students can sit on the grass all day and eat crisps when I have to go out and ruin peoples lives


alas, dc (or david to his girlfriend) had to run off to attend a leaving do for someone he didn't really like

It was jobbers parents anniversary so he celebrated it in the best way possible...

by going to McDonalds

we played 'stack' with McFlurry's. S lost

after that, and feeling thoroughly done in, we watched some of the England vs Brasil game on tv. Those of you who know me will know that I despise International Football so this wasn't and exciting prospect for me

I did what any normal human being would do and put a sleeping bag over my face to avoid watching it. I imagine people who paid to watch this at Wembley wished that they had such an excellent plan seeing as it was dogdirt
The next post will finish Friday off...
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